Can You Play Any Song On the Piano You Want Without Reading Sheet Music? Why Not?
Do you know what a chord is? Do you know what an inversion is? How about a flat or sharp? Or a scale?
Maybe you know what these things are, but do you know how to apply them to the piano? Can you take these fundamentals and use them to play any song you want by ear? Better yet, can you use them to create your own music?
The problem with most pianists or beginners starting out on the piano is that they will get reliant on sheet music. They will start off learning how to read music so if they ever want to learn a new song, they'll have to go out and buy more sheet music. They never learn how to apply the basic principles. They never learn how to put these building blocks together in order to create their own music. They never really understand the basic structure behind pop piano.
They will memorize 3 or 4 songs, and play those same ones over and over everywhere they go. They will fake their musical talent in way.
Wouldn't it be better if you actually knew how to play the piano? Sure you might be able to read music and copy exactly what you're reading, but do you really understand how to play the piano? The piano is a musical instrument. You should be able to be creative with it. You should be able to freely move around any key you want and discover songs on your own. You should be able to sit down at any piano without any sheet music and play any song that comes to your head.
That's how the piano is meant to be played. The best part is how simple this really is. Folks outside of the music circle find this to be such an impressive talent. They think you need to be born with this sort of talent. Let me tell you that this is something that is easily taught. More importantly, it's really easy to learn if you're willing to put in a little time.
Do you know what a chord is? Do you know what an inversion is? How about a flat or sharp? Or a scale?
Maybe you know what these things are, but do you know how to apply them to the piano? Can you take these fundamentals and use them to play any song you want by ear? Better yet, can you use them to create your own music?
The problem with most pianists or beginners starting out on the piano is that they will get reliant on sheet music. They will start off learning how to read music so if they ever want to learn a new song, they'll have to go out and buy more sheet music. They never learn how to apply the basic principles. They never learn how to put these building blocks together in order to create their own music. They never really understand the basic structure behind pop piano.
They will memorize 3 or 4 songs, and play those same ones over and over everywhere they go. They will fake their musical talent in way.
Wouldn't it be better if you actually knew how to play the piano? Sure you might be able to read music and copy exactly what you're reading, but do you really understand how to play the piano? The piano is a musical instrument. You should be able to be creative with it. You should be able to freely move around any key you want and discover songs on your own. You should be able to sit down at any piano without any sheet music and play any song that comes to your head.
That's how the piano is meant to be played. The best part is how simple this really is. Folks outside of the music circle find this to be such an impressive talent. They think you need to be born with this sort of talent. Let me tell you that this is something that is easily taught. More importantly, it's really easy to learn if you're willing to put in a little time.